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  Historical reference
    Transcarpathian CCI that dates back from 1964, from the former Commodity Expertise Bureau, similarly to the most of today's regional chambers, has passed its own way of development closely related to the economical and political processes in the country and the expansion of the external economical relations.

    With the advent of independence of our state, in 1995, due to reorganization of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, the congress of which has adopted the resolution concerning the establishment of the regional CCI, the Transcarpathian CCI has also been established.

    Last seven years have become for our chamber the period of development of a regional chamber, and the priority directions were determined by the urgent problems of creation of favorable conditions for the business and external economical activity in the region, provision of the companies and organizations with a complex of services, formation of the industrial, production, scientific, technical and trade relations in Ukraine and abroad and complete assistance in the development and progress of mutually beneficial cooperation of Transcarpathian enterprises with business circles of the other Ukrainian regions and foreign countries.

    Within last years our Chamber has established relationships and concluded cooperation agreements with a number of regional foreign chambers in Krosno and Rzeszow (Poland), Kosice, Lucenec and Zilina (Slovakia), Budapest, Bekescsaba, Debrecen, Miskolc, Nyiregyhaza (Hungary), Baia-Mare, Satu-Mare and Oradea (Romania), Brest (Belarus), Osiek (Croatia). In addition, our chamber has signed the Treaty concerning the creation of a Union of Carpathian chambers.

    With the aim to develop regional cooperation with Slovak companies, the joint Slovak-Ukrainian section was created in the CCI of Ukraine.

    In September 2001 the Ukrainian-Hungarian section of the CCI of Ukraine was created in Uzhgorod. 46 enterprises decided to become the members of this section.

    In July 2002 the Ukrainian-Polish section of the CCI of Ukraine was created, and 18 enterprises expressed their willing to become the members of this section.

    The purpose of the joint CCI is to provide an informational maintenance of interested organizations and businessmen in our countries in the area of cooperation in all the branches of economy. The basement of this cooperation is organization of joint activity and contractual operation, search for the sterling partners.

      The Law of Ukraine concerning the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine dated December 2, 1997 clearly specifies the circle of activities of the chambers of commerce and industry.

    One of the principal tasks of the Chamber is to promote the development of the national economy, its integration into the world economical system. The Chamber fulfills this task providing its members and all interested businessmen, companies and organizations with the services specified by the law. Alongside with traditional services we also offer a number of new services:

  • Consultations on the issues concerning business and external economical activity

  • Price information Targeted references concerning the companies

  • UTK ZED code determination

  • Examination of the quality, quantity, cost and completeness of domestic and imported goods

  • Confirmation of norms of raw material consumption

  • Estimation of real and personal estate, proprietary and non-proprietary rights and business

  • Examination of the technical condition and estimation of vehicles, equipment and machinery

  • Certification of goods and issuance of the certificates of origin

  • Bar coding of the goods

  • Development and expertise of contracts, business-plan and investment projects

  • Drawing up and registration of title to the objects of intellectual and industrial property

  • Translation and interpreting from and into foreign languages, etc.

      Any businessman or company has its own goal and interests. However, there exist mutual problems to be solved in common. Therefore more and more companies apply to the chamber of commerce and industry and join it. Today the Transcarpathian CCI includes 212 members, which produce about 80% of the export goods of the region.

    Of special importance for the Chamber in the conditions of market relations, enhancement of competition, world trade globalization is protection of the interests of domestic production and business. As known, the International commercial court of arbitration operates at the CCI of Ukraine since 1992. Its legal basis is the Law of Ukraine concerning the international commercial arbitration (adopted in 1994). The fact that not only domestic but also foreign businessmen apply to the above Court for the resolution of disputes testifies to high professional level and international weight of the International commercial court of arbitration.

    In this relation it is worthy of drawing the attention of businessmen-subjects of external economical activity to the fact that the possibility to book the legal bases for the dispute settlements in the International commercial court of arbitration depends directly on the professional approach to the conclusion of contracts and exact specification of arbitration clauses. The CCI of Ukraine and the regional CCI have relevant units providing advices on any queries related to the international arbitration, operation of the International commercial court of arbitration of Ukraine, as well as the commencement and the termination of force majeure circumstances when fulfilling the international contracts, the confirmation of which is legally vested to the CCI of Ukraine.

    In addition, the court of arbitration at the Transcarpathian CCI is being formed now aimed at the settlement of disputes arising between the subject of external economical activity, first and foremost, of the countries-members of Carpathian Euroregion.

    In order to increase the efficiency of its activity, the Transcarpathian CCI in its everyday work relies on the cooperation with executive authorities, state bodies and organizations of the province. Broad possibilities for joint actions directed to the solution of the social and economical problems, the development of industrial and agricultural production in the province, the creation of new working places are realized due to the special investment activity regime implemented in the Transcarpathian province. The region has good prospects in attracting foreign investments into the forest industry, wood-processing and furniture-producing industries, agriculture, processing branches, light industry, machine building, building industry, transport, electrical energetics, into the development of border infrastructure, environmental protection, sanatorium, resort, tourist and recreation complexes, exploration of minerals, which our land is rich in.

    We do hope that cooperation with the Transcarpathian chamber of commerce and industry will become a guarantee of successful functioning of enterprises and organizations with different forms of ownership and economy. We are open for cooperation with state structures, domestic and foreign chambers of commerce and industry, business associations. Working together we shall enrich the national treasury of the best ideas and norms of business life by developing the domestic industry and trade, paving the way to the civilized business in Ukraine.

Our address :

88015, м. Ужгород,
вул. Грушевського, 62
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